Research News

Taking part in PRES this Year

PRES 2020/21 is now a standardised survey across all CRN Networks so for the first time we will be able to take part in national benchmarking.

PRES results from last year:

You will see from the last year’s results that primary care research teams in the North West Coast have made a significant and positive impact on those who have taken part in research. 

Thank you for supporting PRES.

Clinical Research Networks PRES Survey Feedback

The Clinical Research Networks PRES Survey asked patients to share their experience of taking part in research.

The feedback can be found below:

  • We have registered 191 responses so far in 2021-22 (114 Ashfields, 77 Kiltearn) and a selection of the responses:
  • 75.92% of respondents agree or strongly agree that the researchers valued their taking part in research. 
  • 75.91% agree or strongly agree that staff have always treated them with courtesy and respect
  • 85.86% agree or strongly agree that they would take part in research again.  

Some of the comments received were:

  • “Excellent staff contacts – Janet Rhodes and Tracey Waller – who have been the same for over two years and explain everything perfectly.”
  • “Everything was fully explained to me by letter, and followed up with a phone call.  The test was quick and easy to perform, in the comfort of my home, no travel involved.”
  • “Felt I was giving something back to the NHS.”
  • “Pleased to be helping with stroke prevention.”

Join a COVID-19 Clinical Trial

The PRINCIPLE trial aims to find treatments that reduce hospital admission and improve symptoms for people with COVID-19.

You could be eligible to join if:

  • You have had these symptoms for fewer than 15 days
  • new continuous cough or high temperature or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell
  • OR have a positive test for SARS-Co-V2 infection with COVID-19 symptoms in the past 14 days
  • You are aged 65 and above,
  • OR 18-64 and experiencing shortness of breath as part of COVID-19 illness,
  • OR 18-64 with certain underlying health conditions.

Find out more:

‘Be Part of Research, the successor site to the UK Clinical Trials Gateway, is now live!

International Clinical Trials Day

To mark International Clinical Trials Day on the 20th May the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) launched a new campaign called ‘Be Part of Research’. The campaign seeks to encourage people to get involved in research and pledge support to help raise greater awareness about research opportunities.

Click on this link to help support the campaign –

Dementia Affects 850,000 People in the UK

The only way to beat the condition is through research.

People with dementia or memory problems, their carers and anyone who is interested can sign up to Join Dementia Research. You can also sign up for someone else, providing that you have their consent. Registering is the first step in becoming involved in supporting vital research studies across the nation more information here:

Invitation to take part in the Participant Research Experience Survey 

We are inviting you to take part in the Participant Research Experience Survey. This survey provides an opportunity for those who have taken part in research to share their experience which helps us to inform future planning. The survey results also help us with informing key stakeholders about the benefits of taking part in research. 

 Taking part in PRES this year:  

PRES 2020/21 is now a standardised survey across all CRN networks so for the first time we will be able to take part in national benchmarking.

The survey is now live via this link: 

PRES results from last year: 

You will see from the last year’s results that primary care research teams in the North West Coast have made a significant and positive impact on those who have taken part in research. The results can be viewed by clicking here. 

Thank you for supporting PRES